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Inventory Ally Requests


Showing 14

Have the unit of measure on the printable checklist

Often, the description is not clear enough to count inventory accurately. This may not impact the inventory manager who is familiar with ordering and/or Inventory Ally, but delegating to other staff members could create a lot of confusion. Since w...
Kristen Lehmier 10 months ago in Count 0 Shipped

Customize the unit of measure with built in calculator

Instead of doing the calculation by hand and then adding the appropriate decimal, can I enter a unit of measure that fits how I am used to counting and set up the appropriate conversion to the ordering unit of measure. ? Example, Simparica is orde...
Nicole Clausen over 3 years ago in Count 0 Shipped

Combine similar items with different counts for ordering

As a user, I want to summarize similar items so I can order the correct quantity in whatever size is available on order day. I want to count each SKU separately, then choose which SKU I want to order that particular week. Based on the count per SK...
Guest over 3 years ago in Count / Order 0 Shipped

Sort item list by frequency

Make it easier to count by adding another "Sort" choice
Guest over 3 years ago in Count 0 Shipped

Capture Notes by item

Capture a note about a particular item while I'm counting.
Emmitt Nantz almost 4 years ago in Count 0 Shipped

Update unhiding items so there are less clicks.

When I want to unhide an item I have to choose a frequency. Confirm. Then unhide and confirm. Then I have to refresh the page in order to enter counts. It would be much easier if, when I add a frequency to a hidden item, it automatically unhides t...
Guest over 2 years ago in Count 0 Shipped

Prevent negatives

Don't allow the entry of negative numbers as counts.
Tech Lead about 3 years ago in Count 0 Shipped

"Use Estimates" for white goods only

I might want to apply the "estimated quantity on hand" to only some of my items, by category. For example, I want to count all my medications, but for my white goods, if I'm very busy, I'd like to use the estimated QOH for my counts today.
Tech Lead about 3 years ago in Count 0 Shipped

Option to order twice a week

Allow me to choose to order twice a week, which will let me count all my items in two batches instead of one larger batch.
Tech Lead about 3 years ago in Count / User Experience 0 Shipped

Pin an item to the top of the list

Let me pin up to 10 items to the top of my list, so I ALWAYS see those and can check/count them. This is especially useful for the "Never ever run out" items like euthanasia solution.
Tech Lead over 3 years ago in Count 0 Shipped